Shared or Reseller Hosting - 200 outgoing email hourly and total 1200 email per day limit per domain
VPS Hosting - 250 outgoing email hourly and total 1800 email per day limit per domain
Cloud or Dedicated Server - Unlimited allowed
Those limits is also applied towards Mailman. If you send over this amount in any hour, most of the e-mails will bounce back with an undeliverable error. If this occurs, it will then take some time for your account to be able to send again so we recommend waiting at least 1 hour after this issue occurs to begin sending email again. If continiously you are trying to send more than your limit email per hour in that case we able to reduce your per hour emailing permission or able to block your hosting.
Many of our shared, reseller and vps servers have a limit of 30 POP3/IMAP checks per hour per each user's connecting IP address. If you go over this you're likely to get a wrong password error message or an error stating "login incorrect". If this occurs, please wait an hour and it will automatically unblock you. To prevent this from happening again, please make sure to disable auto checking or at least set it to something higher such as once every 10 minutes.
Any mailing list larger than 1,000 addresses will require a dedicated server or Cloud hosting solution from us.